Today I have practiced my basic facts using Mr Wong's Basic Facts Boxes. I am starting to find the basic facts easy. I got everything right so far. This is kind of like a game to me because I get something wrong then sometimes I'd get something right. But most of my answers are right.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson.
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Bridges - Testing
The last previous weeks and a day ago we tested our bridges. But way before making the bridges, we planned out how we were going to make the bridges and what bridge type it was going to be.
Willow Opening Sequence
Willow -
Opening Sequence
L. I. - To understand how narrative elements are used in film
Watch the opening sequence…
Answer these questions:
What is a prologue?
A prologue is an introduction to the world building and the main characters (basically mini story before the main movie begins) sets up the Moses story from the bible.
Who are the characters introduced in the prologue? (who are the main characters in the story)
Elora Danan (who is basically going to replace the evil queen) and Queen Bavmorda
What is the setting of the main story?
Snowy Mountains
How is humour used to stop the scene from being too over the top?
“Don’t touch it, you never know where it’s been” the father Elf said… this was because it was a human baby.
Yesterday my class had a film study while the others traveled to the AMI Netball Courts for their tournament. The film we watched was Willow. We learnt many things about the shot types, the introduction, the prologue, the lettering/fonts and George Lucas. I have found this film/movie interesting and fascinating because it had mythical creatures such as elves, dogs that didn't actually look like dogs, The Godwyn and Bavmorda (who has powers). We have also learnt about the types of musics that were used to make the characters stand out more, there was Ominous music used as queen Bavmorda enters the dungeon and Peaceful/Soft music as the Godwyn appears in the light. The clothing also made the characters stand out, why? because the people/creatures wearing white/lightly colored clothing were the goodies or Protagonists and the people/creatures wearing dark colored clothing/ or just black were the baddies or Antagonists. The group of people at my table also enjoyed themselves when watching the movie. Many thanks to Mrs Kirkpatrick for organizing this fun activity for us and many of us enjoyed the film.
Film Study
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
Venn Diagram - First Panmure Bridge
Today I collaborated with Joel to create this Venn Diagram. We both worked very hard during this session. We used our smart searching skills to find more information about the first Panmure Bridge. I have learnt many things about this Panmure Bridge.
Basic Facts Boxes
Today for maths I have been practicing my additions and subtractions using Mr Wong's Basic Facts Boxes Spread Sheet. I have got everything right so far and I am looking forward to completing this mathematical activity/task. I am happy about getting everything right because it shows that I can use a strategy used for solving any maths problem. To solve all of these questions I have used place value HTO (Hundreds, Tens and Ones).
Monday, 24 September 2018
Today I worked with Joshua V to create this DLO, informing you about when and how to use apostrophe marks. Above in the DLO there are 2 examples that you can read. From what I have watched on the video I can conclude that replacing apostrophes can make the sentence look and sound different but not only that, the sentence will define something else other then the idea you're trying to tell them.
Friday, 21 September 2018
Graphics Reflection - Tamaki College
Today for graphics we all were finishing off our names using pictures and block letters. I used lots of color to make my art work pop, I also used many images from google to draw my name. I tried my best to make my art work look good. Art inspired me to keep up drawing and sketching. Learning how to shade in, color in between the lines and to out line my drawings light with pencil and dark outlining with a black colored pencil to make the picture stand out.
Thursday, 20 September 2018
Playing Basketball Against Glen Taylor

Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Basic Facts Maths Challenge
Today for maths I have been challenging myself using Mr Wong's Addition and Subtraction Facts by answering the Addition questions. I have started in my subtraction and so far I have got all of them right. The screenshot I have taken above is to prove that I have challenged myself.
Friday, 14 September 2018
Assembly - Te Reo Maori Language Week
Today for Te Reo Maori Language Week, Sky and Christopher presented using the Maori Language. They were both proud of their culture, language and land. Both of them stood up in confidence when speaking in front of the whole school. I hope you have a 'Happy Maori Language Week'.
Blog Commenting On Miko's Blog
Today I have commented on Miko's Poem blog post. He has done a fantastic job on describing the sand! I am obsessed with the way he has described and used personification and some conjunctions to make his poem sound very interesting and adventure taking!
Tech At Tamaki College With Mr Pineda
Today for graphics at tech, our group learnt how to shade, sketch and draw letters in our names. We also learnt how to use pictures/images to draw our names in the small boxes. Doing graphics was fun because we were allowed to let our imaginations go wild by sketching, drawing and coloring.
Blog Commenting
Today I have kindly commented on Kurt's blog. I commented on Random Act Of Kindness because I really saw and read that he did really lovely things to earn a silver bar but not only to achieve this goal but to be very kind and loving to those in need. Being kind to me isn't just a goal you need to reach but a quality (or part) of life. Kurt really has out done himself by being kind and generous.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Vector Wero White Water Park Trip
Today straight after morning tea, a whole group of people including me went on a trip to the Vector Wero White Water Park. We learnt what to do if you come across a dangerous river. I learnt that when crossing a river with rough currents using a triangle shaped/figure. I grouped up with Mele, Savelina Fui and Joel. We all in a group managed to form a strong triangle. We tried our best to get across to the other side without using a bridge. We then went back in the same form (of a triangle) and I unfortunately fell into the water. My team mates pulled extra hard to get me up and out of the water fast. I eventually managed to get out fast. Learning a lot helped me because I will be able to tell if the river is dangerous or safe enough to cross. Thank you to the bus driver for taking us there and huge thank you to the people at Wero Vector for paying a tone of money for us to go on this fun trip.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
PBS Young Builders (PBS YB) - Bridge Constructing
Today and the last previous weeks my group have been planning to build a strong bridge that would span from point A to point B. We've took a long time to build these bridge because we only used toothpicks, ho glue gun and PVA glue. We have learnt so many things about why people build bridges and why they'd used triangles. The reason why people use triangle when bridge building is because a triangle has equal weighted sides and because each side and point is the same measurement.
Fractions (Math Games)
Today for maths I have played Finding A Fraction game. This game helped me a lot with finding the right answer and the strategy. I learnt how to add fractions and how to use my strategy. Here is one of the questions and the strategy I used to solve it:
3/9 of 81 = __
81 divided by 9 officially gives me = 9 because 9 x 9 = 81... then 3 x 9 = which gives me 27... so 3/9 of 81 is equal to = 27...
3/9 of 81 = __
81 divided by 9 officially gives me = 9 because 9 x 9 = 81... then 3 x 9 = which gives me 27... so 3/9 of 81 is equal to = 27...
Today I have got a passing score for answer as many questions I could right in read theory. Read theory has helped me boost my confidence in reading books. This is very good practice for people who really enjoy reading and tests. Each question you get right you move up a grade.
Basic Facts Boxes - Addition
Today for maths everyone played the Basic Facts Boxes that was kindly made by Mr Wong. Some people found this game challenging and some didn't! I was one of them (the people who didn't find it challenging). I found having to add 2 digit numbers quite easy once I had my practice. Can you answer this question? 75 + 37 = ___
Write down in the comments what you think the answer is!
Friday, 7 September 2018
Tongan Language Week - Assembly
Today for assembly Freeman and I presented. We were both so proud of our culture that we even spoke Tongan! wearing the traditional Tongan clothing made me feel very different from all the others in the school. I have had fun speaking in Tongan and sharing our culture with others in the school. Happy Tongan Language Week!
Thursday, 6 September 2018
The Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra Trip
Today our class (LS2) went to the Town Hall in Auckland City, the Town Hall is a place where the people who educated a Auckland University graduate. We all heard the ominous and peaceful music. We have watched the children that educate at St Kent's and Ngatapawae preform their dances. First off we listened to an Opera Sing. Then we watched the St Kent's Romeo and Juliet performance/dance. We all heard different kinds of instruments like: A trumpet, trombone, tuba, french horn, brass, Flutes, Oboe, bassoon, piccolo, clarinet, violins, violas, cello and a double bass. We all saw the conductor (which is the person who guides the musicians. He conducted very softly, slow, loud and fast. We all enjoyed the dancing and music.
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
Tongan Language Week
Today I collaborated with my dear brother Sione. Together we have created a google presentation which informs people about this week! I have written in 2 traditional recipes so you can enjoy Tongan Language week too! Thank you and happy Tongan Language Week!
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Learning About Bridges With Yvonne's Team
Today Mrs Anderson's Inquiry group collaborated with Yvonne and the research team from the Augmented Human Lab at Auckland University. My group started off with the Magic Window which was an interactive activity. What I have learnt from this was that back in the days before the Panmure Bridge was built people used punts to get across the Tamaki River, did they paddle across? No, because people used special chains that helped the people in the punt. Usually people took too long to pull the long and rusty chains because their hands would weaken and get tired of physically pulling themselves across to the other side. After all that the people said that the chains are rusting and the boats are breaking down. Finally the mayor said that there should be a bridge constructed. The bridge was constructed using wood, steel and piles. The piles were used to strengthen the bridge deck. The wood was used because there was no such thing as heavy metal or cast iron and the steel, the steel that made the bridge swing open came from Sydney, Australia. It had come already made which made it easy to bolt onto the bridge. Our group was very lucky to have an opportunity to participate in this unique research.
Monday, 3 September 2018
The Hunger Games
Today for reading we are completing each of our trailers for the books we've chosen from our school library. I chose The Hunger Games book because I've seen each episode and movie but I just found it boring to watch the movie so I decided to read the book. I predict that in the next chapter Katniss Everdeen will save her young sister Prim from going to the Tributes. If she saves her young sister from going to the tributes I would think that Katniss saw that she was too young to go to the tributes, Prim is only 12 years old.
Ps: Stay tuned to watch my trailer of The Hunger Games...
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