
Friday, 31 March 2017

Tinkercad eye

Today at tech we went on a website called tinkercad and with tinkercad you can make different kinds of things.I thought it was easy to make but as I made it I was getting stuck...
So this was very hard to make...

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Kakako Information

I used my smart searching skills to find out about the kokako bird. Read my DLO to find out the facts I found interesting.

Photo Collage

This photo collage was about camp at Hunua Falls. Each picture shows the fun my group had at each activity.

Photo Story

The photos in my DLO tell my story of our four days at camp. As you can see we had a lot of fun.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017



As I picked my bow up I felt scared and frustrated straight away. I couldn’t believe I was actually holding in my little sweaty hands. I took one step forward and for some reason one leg fell out of place while I was trying to aim and “Zoom!”  The arrow raced straight out of the bow and straight into the black stripes. “10 points! To the Target Hunters!” Arti shouted with excitement as she raced off with Jericho.
“Begin!” Arti cried. I got a fright and shot the white stripes! “Walk and get your arrows,” was our next instruction. As everyone took an arrow and started shooting I whispered to myself, “Target Hunters you can do this!” I began gazing at the arrows as they zoomed across to the target. Everyone tried so hard that they forget what to do!

Next we sat down and before anyone talked I took a deep gulp and stared at the flying kiwi people, “We won!” shouted Zane in Ofa’s ear. They began to argue until Ofa answered Zane back and grinned, “No we won!” The next two people walked up and picked their arrows up and began firing I began cheering quietly until…”Hey! How many points do we have?” Ma’ata shouted excitedly.

This game reminds me of the movie Hunger Games. As I tiptoed across the humongous mat I was practicing how to hold the bow and how to put the arrow in place. Next up was me again. I took a deep breath and fired…
“No!” Ofa cried loudly. He distracted me by being so loud which annoyed me! It was about to hit the bullseye but instead I fired to the muddy ground. “I don’t really care if we lose now,” I mumbled talking  to myself. My heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest.
After that I called Zahra over. Zahra didn’t hear me until someone shouted over my voice she looked over to that person very scared and horrified. I ignored it and politely asked  Ma’ata for the camera. I was so excited I ripped it out of her hands and distracted others by taking photos of them.
Ugh!” Affonso cried with horror.

At the end of the game Arti called us over to listen to how many points we had scored. Zane's team had more than three hundred and Ofa’s team had fifty points, so Zane's team won as they had more points. Before anyone could speak Ofa took a deep breath and shouted at Zane with all his might. Then Jericho started talking. As everyone paused to hear someone else speak they all began to let their thoughts out! The noise was crazy! We began packing up and Ofa was complaining all the way to the back deck at camp….

Today write a recount about what we did at camp. The activity I have written about was archery> The hard part of this recount was remembering to use past tense as it shows that I had to write about what had all ready happened at camp.

Monday, 20 March 2017

people living in Auckland have been asked to conserve water. why?

Today we have been learning  about why people in Auckland have to conserve water.This is Linked to the water cycle,what a river is,A agent of change,water-care activities with sally...I think  this was supposed to be simple learning but It sometimes turns out to be hard work...well I hope you liked this DLO that I created!
By Viva

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Glen Innes River/Omaru river restoration

LI:To look at currant issues in the media related to the Ecosystem in NZ
This DLO was about the Mad Ave/Tamaki Estuary helping to pick up rubbish and to restore the Omaru river also the Water care people are trying so hard to clean and pump in clean water into the dirty water...I learnt that if I throw rubbish or flush any chemical tool down the toilet would  cause the aquatic life to die...and also I knew straight away when Mrs Sally talked about  the polluted River  and rubbish that goes down the drain it can kill many Aquatic life... if your wondering how the rubbish goes down the drains?: it's because when it rains the water washes or carries the rubbish into the drain goes out to sea or if not close to the sea it goes to a river that's close or near then carries the rubbish down and out to sea this killed seven hundred pure cent (700%) of them died because of our littering...
By Savelina and Viva...

Why my blog is unique

Image result for blogger signWhy my blog is unique
Learning Intention:  
  • To write an explanation that tells the reader why my blog is unique

Our blog’s are an interactive where you can see other people’s learning and thinking. Your blog can also be seen by other people from around the world.People. Did you know all blogs are not the same.

Our  blog is also a website that holds our learning from over time. Our blogs are different from each others. A blog shows what we have been doing in class or out of the class.

Our  blog is also a website that holds our learning from over time. Our blogs are different from each others. A blog shows what we have been doing in class or out of the class.

Our blog’s  are  unique because people write nice comments and we post different things. For  example: I  post photos while Shakaia and Viva post videos and pictures.

The  blog’s we have are   unique  because it has more post than last year and you also  get good feedback. Some feedback will always looks    different to other people because others people around the world comment on kids or adults blog   schools/students blogs.
Our thinking has made our blog unique because we post every day and comment every afternoon. Our blog is
special to us because it is a timeline from when we were year 4 and 5. Did you know that you can never throw away your blog but you can throw away your books.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Making connections

Making connections

LI: Identify connections text to text, text to world and text to self