
Friday, 26 October 2018

The Highwayman

On Wednesday, I collaborated with Jeremaiah to create this short summary of 'The Highwayman'. I have learnt many words that were used in the past to define many of the modern words. 

Tech - Graphics

Today I have finally completed my charity box for caring for the land. I have enjoyed colouring and getting as creative as I could with my imagination. Our teacher was Mr. Mackenzie Brown. In graphics I learnt how to shade, colour, sketch and draw our fonts.

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Maths - Revision challenges - Tables master

Your Results

8 x 12 = 9639.292 seconds
12 x 12 = 1441.975 seconds
9 x 12 = 10810.465 seconds
6 x 12 = 725.603 seconds
10 x 12 = 1202.76 seconds
8 x 12 = 9615.613 seconds
9 x 12 = 1082.344 seconds
2 x 12 = 241.737 seconds
5 x 12 = 602.245 seconds
3 x 12 = 364.023 seconds
2 x 12 = 242.014 seconds
5 x 12 = 609.764 seconds
4 x 12 = 485.258 seconds
11 x 12 = 13217.545 seconds
7 x 12 = 842.298 seconds
4 x 12 = 483.041 seconds
7 x 12 = 842.677 seconds
3 x 12 = 362.433 seconds
1 x 12 = 121.95 seconds
6 x 12 = 726.29 seconds

Today I have tried my best to complete the revision activity for maths. I have enjoyed challenging myself with my times tables using tables master. Whilst using the tables master game I found that I began to recall my times tables very fast. At first I thought I was going to do bad in the game but, it turns out I didn't! thanks to my good memory.

Thursday, 18 October 2018

How The Camel Adapted To The Desert

Image result for camel
Are you aware that a camel can survive in a desert in 45° c temperatures?

Camels live in the deserts where it is very dry and has an unforgiving climate. 

 You might be asking yourself how a camel can survive in the desert? Well, in order for a camel to survive in the desert for a very long time it has extra thick layered pads on each foot and chest, double layered eyelashes, nostrils that can close up to avoid the sand, thin layers of fur on body for shade and webbed feet to prevent it from sinking into the hot sand...

Camels have thick lips so they can eat thorny foods such as twigs, cactus, and many others

Using webbed feet, double layered eyelashes, pads on each foot and chest, thick lips and thin layers of fur will help the camel survive in the desert.

Camels live in the deserts where it is very dry and has an unforgiving climate. 

 You might be asking yourself how a camel can survive in the desert? Well, in order for a camel to survive in the desert for a very long time it has extra thick layered pads on each foot and chest, double layered eyelashes, nostrils that can close up to avoid the sand, thin layers of fur on body for shade and webbed feet to prevent a camel from sinking into the hot sand..

\Using webbed feet, double layered eyelashes, pads on each foot and chest, thick lips and thin layers of fur will help the camel survive in the desert. 

Yesterday I have been working hard on completing an explanation about camels and how they adapted into the desert. I have learnt many interesting things about camels like why they have thick lips, thin layers of fur, two layered eyelashes, pads on their feet and webbed feet. These are all the parts of the camel's body that helped it adapt to the desert. The one thing I found very interesting was that the camel can drink up to 46 litres of water in just one go! that is the same as 46 1 litre coke bottles. I had fun learning about the camel and what adaptation defines/means.

Shake Out!

Today is 'Shake Out Day', our class learnt many things about this special and vital event. I have enjoyed collaborating with Fui and strategizing how we are going to keep safe when an earthquake happens/takes place.  

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Nelson Mandela / Peace

Today and yesterday Hajera and I have been working extra hard on this presentation to define the word Peace and to inform you about the people that have brought peace to the world. I have enjoyed researching about Nelson Mandela and to find out what peace means to me. 

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Basic Facts Boxes

Today for maths I picked up my basic facts very fast because I have been using Mr Wong's 'Basic Facts Boxes' spreadsheet. I enjoyed learning how to solve maths problems using my tidy numbers. Many of my answers were correct which I was pleased with very much.